Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thoughts Internal: Opus VII

“...Dems fightin’ words....”

Well now, it seems like the Democrats may be getting a little bit of a backbone after all. The other day, the Obama-Biden campaign released a video discussing the Charles Keating savings & loan scandal from the 80’s. Please feel free to have a look at Keating Economics & John McCain's Judgement. It looks like our clean-cut (and articulate) candidate is ready to sling a little mud.


Whew...had to get that out of my system. If any of you democrats remember the past two elections, our candidates have tended to be straight up PUNKS! Hell, I’ll take you back to Dukakis -- WIMP! Gore was no better and Kerry allowed the RepubliKKKans to convince folks that he wasn’t for the military!!!! This man’s record was impeccable.

But, I digress....

Between all the hub-bub being created by Tina Fey’s portrayals of Sarah Palin (see Tina Fey does Sarah Palin), the RollingStone article (see Make-Believe Maverick) and now this new video, one can only hope that the word and the POINT is getting out there: McCain is bad for America and Palin is even worse!

I’m not really clear as to why this is a close race even with all the closet American racism out there. I mean damn! Your choice is a man whose very opportunistic ideals had him embroiled in the second biggest economic scandal in U.S. history (yup, this craziness going on now finally took the title). Or, you can go with the junior Senator who’s been about the people! He’s intelligent, virtually scandal-free, and so damn clean that even some white folks had to question if he was BLACK ENOUGH (now, that was RACIST). Seriously folks, why is this even a contest? He chose as a running mate a governor from a state that most of us only think about when we’re ordering crab legs. If McCain thinks that his drilling mantra would have benefited by having the governor on his ticket, then he’s dumber than his wife looks! This man is really a different version of Bush. He had his freewheeling days in the Naval Academy. He benefited from daddy and granddaddy cleaning up his messes. But, he has even managed to manipulate the media to (almost) Karl Rove levels.

Are we really that confused America?

We have about a month of partisan speeches, mud slinging, and rhetoric before we head to the polls to choose the leader of the free world (man, I would love to know who coined that phrase). U can go with the maverick and his sidekick OR you can go with proven leadership, an agent of change and experience (Biden doesn’t just bring his feisty tongue to the ticket).

But of course, the choice is YOURS!!!!!!

Stay tuned....

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