Sunday, July 1, 2007

Thoughts Internal: Opus I

This probably shouldn't be my first blog, but hey, why not....

It's the summer time which means warm weather and less clothes, etc. Yeah, we all know this. As a man, I appreciate the absence of clothing on our beautiful female counterparts. So, what's the issue today?!?!?


Okay, please don't ask me why I've jump on the flip flop hateration bandwagon. A flat piece of rubbery material garnished with a rubbery-plastic composite to keep the (hopefully, non-offending) foot firmly fastened to its comfortable base has managed to corner the shoe market during the warmer climates. Women and men adorn their precious toes and aching arches in these contraptions of future foot calamity. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS. They're not good for your feet. But, that's another story. My beef is with men.


Flip flops do not look good on men! Now, I can hear some of you wanting to say, "what about those shoes YOU where?" Well, they're not flip flops. They're more like slippers. They don't have that damn piece of plastic that dances in the crevice between your big toe and that toe that sits next to it. There is hangs out with toe jam, sweat, and other tasty treasures. YUCK! It looks gay! Sorry, I said it! I wish some things would just stay male-only and female-only! Of course, this comes from a man with a pierced left and right ear, but eh, whatever! 

Make the flip flops go away!!! PLEASE!!!!


Am I the only person on the planet feeling the pain of writers in the United States? I watch a considerable amount of television (compared to the amount of reading I do) and it seems like the television landscape is populated with nothing but reality shows. How many model shows do we need? How many "I can sing and I want the world to know it" shows do we need? Bravo used to be my channel. It had great cultural programs on it, specifically jazz performances. It slowly turned into reality TV central (part of the new segregated model of television -- I'll get to that later). You want to buy a house? There's a reality TV show about that. You want to get married? They've got something for that too.

Now, I know that reality TV has been around for years (does anyone remember Candid Camera) but geez! Must every channel/network have their own reality show? Is that all America wants to watch? Themselves acting a fool? I contend that once you put a camera in a person's face all the realness goes away! These people become actors/actresses. Everything is overdone! The laughs become louder. The arguments become more grandiose! Pure drama! I guess that's what we want in our drab lives: a little drama. We all need that voyeuristic itch scratched in those private areas of our mind that we don't discuss in polite society. Right? We've all complained about rubberneckers on the road and we've all done it. We simply have to see if someone's hanging out of the car bleeding to death. What a society!

Hey, what about that segregated TV comment?!?!?!?!

So we live in an integrated society, right? We're all one big melting pot, right? I'm typing this blog in Brooklyn: a borough of America's premiere melting pot, New York. Well folks, I hate to say it, but we're not an integrated society, in the purest sense. I can take you to a part of Queens where the Koreans have taken over. I can take you to a part of Brooklyn that oozes with Italian bravado. If you miss the sights and sounds of Jamaica, I have a spot for you! Are you fresh out of the closet, we have a slice of NY just for you! Where's the integration? TV is just as bad. If you're a "MAN" dripping with testosterone, SpikeTV is just for you. Are you an "emotional" woman? There's Lifetime and Oxygen to satisfy those feminine urges. Let's just cut to the chase. Here are the target groups for certain channels (as I see it):

Lifetime & Oxygen - Women
SpikeTV & ESPN - Men
Bravo - Homosexuals
BET & TV One - Blacks
VH1 - 30 & up crew
MTV - 20 somethings
HGTV - hmmm...not sure just yet
SciFi - geeks
Fox News - Conservatives/Republican
CNN - Liberals/Democrats
PBS - tree-huggers, liberals, intellectuals,

Where's all that integration? One channel with something for everyone...HA! Cable companies wouldn't make any money, I guess. They've got to convince us that we need 500 channels. I watch about 5 - 10 channels: History channel, A&E, SpikeTV (for Star Trek re-runs), HBO (for the great original programming), CNN (to see who our President messed with today), VH1 (when I need to be reminded of the good old days or when I am feeling like my brain is getting overpopulated with intellect - e.g. Flavor of Love), AMC/TCM (gaining an appreciation for old movies -- even though WE are not represented in most of them with the exception of the hired help), Cartoon Network (Robot Chicken and Adult Swim keep me laughing - pure drug-inspired comedy), and a few others that grace my screen from time to time. 


I'm laughing to myself right now because I'm typing this while watching the Godfather Saga on...BravoTV!!!! I guess they're trying to get some of the SpikeTV folks. I could make that deeper but I'll leave it alone! 

Okay...more complaints, observations, and fun facts to come (I hope). I'm hoping to get back to writing some more poetry and possibly some short stories on here. We'll see who comes by to read :-)


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