Sunday, December 18, 2005

MySpace Blog 20051218

Music & Violence

I am constantly amazed at this little ass town of Charlottesville. So, here’s the story for today boys and girls. I Dj’ed last night (Saturday) and things seem to have gone pretty well. The club looked packed and the floor was moving. All is well until the last 5 or so minutes of the night. I decided to play ”Never Scared” by Bonecrusher. Now, please understand, I **DO NOT** listen to this type of music, but I had developed a small ”like” for that song when I was down in Myrtle Beach some years ago. Anyway, 2 minutes into the song, trouble starts. First there were two girls about to get into it, then there were two guys, and then there was a dude up in the face of the security guard. So, in the span of 2–3 minutes, there were potentially 4–5 fight possibilities.

So here is the question boys and girls. Does music incite violence? This is such an age-old topic on which I have typically held a singular opinion: no, music does not incite violence. Having said that, however, I can say that I’ve been to more than enough parties where something like ”Don’t Start No Shit Won’t Be No Shit” was played and fights ensued IMMEDIATELY. Being in C-Ville, with its somewhat weird population make-up, I can say that it’s not strictly a black thing. Some of the white boys like to get shit started as well.

I just don’t get it. Maybe these were all just anomalies. I was at a Mos Def concert (with Talib Kweli, Pharoahe Monch, and Jean Grae) and some girls, in the front ”row,” were about to go at it and Talib had to diffuse the situation (from the mic). All I know is that I haven’t been to a HOUSE club, yet, where a fight has broken out. There have been well over a 1000 folks dancing, jumping, and just feeling the vibe and not ONE FIGHT!!! You get a hip hop club with a few hundred folks on any given night and you might have to duck blows.

I just don’t know. I like the money and all, but I’m tired of playing Top 40 shit. I’m tired of the topics, tired of the weak lyrics and hook-driven songs. All you need to succeed in hip hop or R&B for that matter is a ”hot beat” and a ”good” hook. Oh yeah, don’t forget the requisite LOOK. For ladies, that includes heels, titties out, and something that hugs the ass like a second skin. For guys, that includes anything that ”looks” thuggish or gives the ”appearance” of affluence. But. . . I digress!!!

Does music beget violence? Opinions please!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

MySpace Blog 20051019

Some Things Are Just PRICELESS

So I head down the street to the Red Cross to give my (usual) blood donation...the regulars are there and all is going as planned...the vampires hook me up and the blood flows...I have some snacks and get ready to bounce...but wait...I wasn’t OFFERED a free t-shirt. . .like the young lady who went before me. . .so I ask old dude if I can have one...and he says...of course, MY BAD...hahahahahahahahaha

Now, I know that Black folks have infiltrated all levels of American culture when an old white dude says, ”My bad."


Sunday, September 11, 2005

MySpace Blog 20050911

Hmmm...Somebody Got Me Started

In a prior blog, I started ranting about the Hollywood machine and what seems like their obvious desire to put out the same bullshit over and over. That opinion was met with an opinion regarding blacks (in general and local to this area) and how they can be here! (that’s an oversimplification of what was stated, but you can go and read it yourself). Now, I’m in a huffy mood about race politics.

I have managed to, somewhat, let the whole New Orleans disaster go without my 2 cents. I think folks have heard enough about the Bush administration and their poor response. We’ve seen the video on CNN. We’ve heard opinion from the great minds of our time. No one will dispute the fact that things could have been a LOT less horrific if that memo had been taken seriously or that recommendation had been given priority. I’ve gotten enough emails with the picture of the black guy ”looting” and the white family just trying to survive. Context is a bitch sometimes.

But, I find myself thinking about a scene in ”Crash” where this guy says, ”black people...they just can’t keep their hands out of the cookie jar. . . .” Or something to that effect. He was trying to say, no, all blacks aren’t bad, but there are enough bad ones to make you (a non-black) have that bad opinion of them as a whole. Ha! Chris Rock had a whole skit about blacks versus niggers (or niggas depending who uses the word – that’s just ludicrous). And it got me to thinking about some things!!

Perception TRULY is reality. Being in the engineering school, I would be led to believe that the only engineering minds out there are Indian and Chinese. No whites or blacks or hispanics or native americans. If I looked at the faculty, I would be led to believe that by some mysterious way only whites can be faculty. Now, where are they coming from if they’re not in the grad school to begin with?? (lol) Walking around grounds, I would be led to believe that the local black population strives to be janitors ONLY. I could also think that frat houses are only for rich white kids. My thinking could further be stretched to believe that all black kids attending UVA come from upper middle class families (combined incomes of $150K plus). YET, there are those cracks in the perception!!!

I am in the engineering school as a PhD candidate so SOME blacks do go for further degrees. I know of a few black administrators so we aren’t all janitors. I know quite a few black students who don’t come from upper middle class backgrounds. Not all Asian students are bright. Not all Indian students go into engineering. And, lo and behold, there might even be a black faculty member every now and then. But, what do we do about that pesky PERCEPTION???

When I see a confederate flag on a truck, I automatically label that person as a racist. When I see a kid in a long white t-shirt, I automatically label that person as a thug. When I receive poor service at a restaurant, my FIRST inclination is to believe it has to do with the color of my skin. And, when I become Dr. Reynolds, in the back of my head, I will always know that somebody will look at me like I am a nobody.

Somebody said once that if you don’t like the rules of the game, then you need to change the game! What if I don’t want to change the game? What if I want to be an equal participant with all the rights and privileges therein? I don’t need a black-owned restaurant in Charlottesville. What I need is a 5-star restaurant to treat me like every other paying customer! I don’t need a hip hop night. What I need is a greater awareness of possible trouble and a proactive plan to avoid it which leads me to my latest thought.

I had a debate a while ago with a friend regarding hip hop nights. They said that just about every establishment that had such a night stopped because of the fights that broke out and other trouble. I argued (which is uncommon for me since I don’t particularly care for most of the hip hop that’s played on these nights anyway) that you have owners trying to have their cake and eat it too. I’ve been to several clubs in Philadelphia (a real city by the way) that play only hip hop and there were never fights in the club. What happens outside of a club is another story. Why were they able to pull this miraculous feat off? SECURITY!! Many clubs want all that delicious (door) revenue without paying for security. Let me bring in 500 patrons @ 5-8 a pop and have 6 security people. When I go to a club concerned about trouble, you know what they do? They frisk me! Do I take offense? Hell NO! The REALITY is that some people come into clubs to start trouble. So, the proactive approach would be to eliminate some of the danger. Check for weapons!!! Now, that’s the first line of defense. What’s the 2nd? Active security IN THE CLUB. Having all your security personnel at the door does nothing to qwell the potential problems on the dance floor. You can’t throw a bunch of people in a room and just expect that everyone will get along. Please!! I’ve been in faculty meetings where 5 well-educated people wanted to strangle each other over nothing. Make that 500 people of different sensibilities, levels of intoxication, and economic status and you have a powder keg!

When I dj a hip hop night, I don’t play what I consider ”negative” music. Again, you have to pay attention to the words ”what I consider.” Playing a song like ”Put It In Your Mouth” may offend most folks, but, at the end of the day, I don’t think it starts a fight or leads to someone getting raped. ”Don’t Start No Shit Won’t Be No Shit” rings of threat to me and could be just the catalyst someone needs to prove themselves! BUT, the argument could be made that you can play that music without any trouble if you have SECURITY in place. Have you ever been to a punk rock concert before??? This isn’t your average family event! Have you been to a Smokin Grooves concert?? Folks are HIGHHHHHHHHHH!

Every environment has its own life. My point (after all that verbage) is that you can’t set up the scene, put in the actors, and then NOT direct!! What you may end up with is an improvised MESS!!

Nuff said....

Saturday, September 10, 2005

MySpace Blog 20050910

Vote For Pedro

So, it’s a saturday afternoon and I’m MAJORLY avoiding work. I’m watching ”Napoleon Dynamite.” I had to see what the hell all the fuss was about. Shall I go into another one of my rants about the entertainment world?? Hmmm...let’s!!!

I guess there are no interesting stories about young black boys growing up. I remember seeing ”The Learning Tree” by Gordon Parks. This movie was GREAT to me because it was a simple story of a boy growing up in rural Kansas. Why aren’t there more stories like this?? If they DO make a movie like that, it’s about a boy who ends up in a gang or some other criminal activity. Hollywood would have you believe that little black kids in the city don’t do anything but sell and/or do drugs and gang bang. I’m tired of seeing the black sidekick character. Even the great Morgan Freeman plays side roles to white actors. Am I to believe there aren’t any good stories involving blacks in primary roles?? I’m not even asking for a movie with an all-black cast. I’d like to see a little diversity in story ideas and casting!!! I can see a Neil Simon movie with a story about a Jewish family (no Blacks) or something like ”Joy Luck Club” (great movie) with an all-Asian cast or a ”Godfather” with an all-Italian cast. But, when there’s an all-Black cast, we are reduced to buffoonery or extremely obtuse plots. Back in the 80’s, we were inundated with breakdancing movies. Geez, how many community centers did we need to save? Then there were all the shoot-em-up movies of the 90’s (see New Jack City, Boyz In Tha Hood, Menace To Society, etc). Again, we are either singing and dancing or killing ourselves. What happened to Spike Lee? Contrary to popular belief, his movies were not all about race, racism or race politics. ”Crooklyn” was a really good movie. ”Girl 6” was very different. I loved ”She’s Gotta Have It” and we won’t even talk about ”Malcolm X.”

This discussion (monologue) is moot I suppose. I live in America. Blacks are the minority and will be treated accordingly. We are invisible even if we are 100’s of thousands STRONG in a city ravaged by nature. We are invisible even if genocide is taking over our country and put out on tv like dinner entertainment. We are invisible in hospitals as we save lives. We are invisible when our titles are Manager, VP, Engineer, Writer, Director, Teacher, Nurse, and OWNER.

Gotta stop watching TV...

Monday, August 29, 2005

MySpace Blog 20050830

Get It, Got It, Good!!!

So I’m procrastinating heavily today and downloading (legally) music. I pick up J-Live’s new album ”Hear After” and some tracks by Jhelisa Anderson. I just love iTunes! Meanwhile, I’m coming across some jazz and decide to check out my stuff on CD that I haven’t put on my ipod. What do you know? I have some Herbie Hancock stuff (e.g. ”The New Standard” and ”Return of the Headhunters”) that I forgot about that was really good. So, off to the ipod it goes. Then I’m going through my Cassandra Wilson. Damn, I have good taste (I’m thinking). I pop in ”New Moon Daughter” first and then ”Traveling Miles” and discover some stuff on each that need to be on the ipod. Now, I’m back on the hip hop stuff. J-Live’s album has me hooked. I love this cat. I find two ”homemade” (burned) CD’s that people gave me: Z-Trip’s ”Shifting Gears” and Danger Mouse & Jemini’s ”Ghetto Pop Life.” WOW!! Both albums yield some tight jauns, so they’re on the ipod now. We’re on a roll!!! I manage to come across Lady Bianca’s ”Best Kept Secret.” I forgot all about this. I bought this CD way back when on a hunch and it was nice: some blues and acoustic stuff. Blamm, on the ipod. I’m off the blues and jazz and hip hop and find some soul stuff on iTunes. Who should catch my ear but N’dambi. I heard some of her stuff before but didn’t really give a good listen. So, now I’m digging ”Little Lost Girls Blues” and ”Tunin Up and Co-signin.” That leads me back to Fertile Ground and their ”Black Is” and ”Spiritual Warfare” albums. I’m spent. . . and so is my bank account.

Now, I’m laying in the cut digging the tracks and all that!! I need to do some work, but I feel like my muse is calling me to write a few verses!! I might do that!!!

Get it, Got it, GOOD!!!!

All iz peace!

Monday, August 15, 2005

MySpace Blog 20050815

I need about 2 million dollars, a bottle of vodka, and space. . .

Ya know, dj’ing has been interesting. It’s 3:15am and this is what is on my mind. I’ve been doing my thing down at Rapture/R2 for about a year and a half now. I’m thinking about the music I played when I first started and the music that I play now. For those who don’t know, I am a HUGE deep house music fan. I like my house soulful, vocal, and layered with big beats, nice chords, and soothing basslines. Back in the day, I used to rock a deep house set (as part of a mixed set with some other dj’s). I really liked that. Now, I find myself playing to the crowd: top 40 hip hop (what they call hip hop nowadays) and other urban radio play. Being a fan of Talib Kweli, Mos Def, The Roots, Common, Jean Grae, Jurassic 5, Little Brother, and a few others, it’s hard to hear folks like Lil Jon, T.I., Webbie, and the rest of that southern tripe and consider them HIP HOP. I threw on some REAL HIP HOP and the floor froze. Put on Snoop and they move again. *ugh* This is such an old VENT of mine. Why bother using the space??

I just want to be able to rock a deep house set to a crowd that appreciates it like I do. Is that so much to ask?!?!?!

All I need is about 2 million dollars to open up a small club/lounge in the Ville. I’ll need a bottle of vodka to wash down all the racial shit I’ll have to go through to open something like that here. And, then when it’s all done, just give me some space/time to show folks what REAL music is.

Dream over....