Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thoughts Internal: Opus V

Life brings about new discoveries just when you think there's nothing new to learn. With every new change in my life, there is a positive (and sometimes negative) lesson that should be never forgotten. If I may, life is an upward journey that requires you to sometimes lighten your load. Baggage in the form of past issues, past failures, friends who are not truly there for you, and even your own self-imposed shackles all conspire to hold you from true achievement.

Now...having said all that, let me say it plain. I cannot stand folks who pretend to be happy for you but they're really not. I guess I make life seem like a simple affair. Do what's right. Don't screw folks. Be genuine.

It all seems so very simple.

I've been dating the love of my life for a year now and it's been happiness, conflict, joy, and understanding. We've had folks share in our happiness and we've had some folks play the role. The angry, but passive-aggressive, side of me yearns to mention names and simply call folk out but that's okay. When the wedding invitation doesn't arrive in the mail, perhaps that will be enough of an indictment.