Monday, December 10, 2007

Thoughts Internal: Opus IV

Yes, it has been a minute since I blogged. It's certainly not for lack of material but more lack of motivation. I also realized that a lot of my blogs were venting rants and I'm currently in a state of matured bliss :-)

It's been 7 months in this newfound happiness and I am feeling blessed! There are days when it's very easy and then there are those other days. I can only imagine how marriage is (no plans for that just yet, so don't ask). there's a good topic :-)


People, friends and the like, can be funny to me. A lot of people have a recipe-mentality when it comes to dating, relationships, marriage, etc. Add this and that, bake for a few months, and voila, something! I'm not afraid to state that I'm in love. It may be for the first time (or second time or third time) but I do know this. This woman of mine makes me smile. Even when I want to strangle her, I want to do it with a smile. Hahahahahahaha...that sounds kind of crazy! I should reword that :-) I crack me up!

Seriously folks....

I'm not sure why people think that a few months of dating equals wedding bells. The typical nonsense that dribbles out of their lips goes like this: "y'all have been dating for several months; you love her and she loves you; when's the wedding?" I have a penis and she's got a vagina, should we see about making a baby too?!?!? Ludicrous I tell ya! Love is not on a time line and neither should marriage be. When (and not if) I pop the question, it'll be because the time is right and not a day sooner! To me, marriage is a life-changing (for the better) event and not to be entered into simply because other folks think it's ABOUT TIME! Do I feel like I need to wait another 5 years (arbitrary time period -- relax) before popping the question? No, not at all. Will it happen tomorrow? Most likely not. I pray about these things. I know God will guide that decision. Surely if I could manage to go THIS LONG without (truly) having THIS FEELING, I can wait for God to say, "okay, it's time!"

And, while we're talking about marriage....

I have contended recently that weddings are simply big shows that people put on for their friends. A lot of the simplicity, elegant simplicity, is gone! Me, I don't need a big extravagant wedding. I'd like to get married in a church with my closest friends and family there. Now, what do I mean by closest friends? While I know a lot of people, I have no compunction about NOT inviting people. I have heard of people inviting ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends to their weddings as well as nieces of great uncles twice removed on the father's side. What's the point? I love you all but y'all aint all getting invited to the wedding. Feel some kind of way about it or not; that's just the plain truth. Someone once told me (and I'm sure you too) that "everybody aint happy for you!" At the same time, what's the point of the HUGE invitation list? Accumulation of gifts? I have more than I need. What about that large wedding party? HA! I'd be good if my two best buddies from high school stood up with me and that's it! Nothing against the other guys I know. They've been most like brothers to me.

**** pay attention to that FAMILY concept ****

My lady has asked me about my female friends and whom I would invite. Again, I have many of them but I would most likely only invite 2 or 3 for very particular reasons. Nothing against the others but that's what I would want. If you're reading this Stacy, you know you're at the top of the list ;-)

**** let's get back on topic...shall we ****

A church, a small assembly of friends and family, and a BANGIN reception!!! I have been asked why I feel so connected to THIS PARTICULAR GIRLFRIEND and I would have to say it's because we think so much alike about so many things. It's like we stare at the spectrograms (those pictures that look like a bunch of nothing until you let your eyes relax) and see the same images ALL THE TIME! (think: finishing each other's sentences) How many folks @ the wedding? No more than 100 and that could be cut down even further if we keep the mothers from inviting all of THEIR friends! The reception must-haves:

(1) liquor
(2) great food
(3) great dj -- cuz phuck all that NOT DANCING AT THE RECEPTION nonsense

The ceremony must-haves:

(1) traditional vows
(2) lighting of the unity candles
(3) blessing of the rings
(4) jumping of the broom

Now, we do have some disagreements. LOL! I see no reason for a string quartet but that's just me! 2 or 3 groomsmen and 2 or 3 bridesmaids -- CHECK! case you don't get an invitation, now you know what the wedding will be like :-)

**** Okay...enough wedding head is hurting ****

Well, folks, hopefully more to come. Maybe...maybe not! As usual, this is CC'd on my site :-) Let the SLOWWWWW weaning (off of myspace) begin. LOL

