Tuesday, February 14, 2006

MySpace Blog 20060214

Yo Peoples, it’s a beautiful Tuesday morning and I’m in good spirits. Why? Because I aint got no kids, drama, or bill collectors at my door! It’s a good fucking day!!! So, what could screw it up?!?!?!! Yet, ONE MORE PHONE CALL that goes something like this:


. . . so it’s Valentine’s day, did you get me anything? Why not? What do you mean Valentine’s Day is for couples? Don’t you have love for your friends? Where are my flowers? I mean, can a sista get a meal?

— END —

That’s just an example! People, my people, have we let the marketing machine brainwash us completely??? This aint even a holiday. Most folks don’t even know who Saint Valentine was. Nope. All that matters are some flowers (that’ll die in less than a week), some fattening chocolate, and (potentially) some meaningless, regular sex. (well, hopefully that last part aint true for all)


If your special someone wasn’t cooking dinner for you, massaging you, loving you, sexing you, being sweet on you BEFORE today, dump his/her ASS!!!! One day out of the year for what??? Cards & Candy????

Shit. If I had a girlfriend and she decided to be ”special” to me on Valentine’s day without being special to me every day, she’d be the EX!!!!!!! LOL.

Ladies, the same goes for you!!! If yo man is slipping, tell’em to TIGHTEN up!!! Single dudes are on the move!!!!!

Okay, what else is on my mind today?!?!?! Hmmmmm. . . .

Internet dating. What’s this going to look like in about 5 years? I went on BlackPeopleMeet.com because an EX told me about it. I was like, ”are you telling me that you’re dealing with a guy now that you met from the internet?” My, how the times have changed!!! I know folks who SWEAR by internet dating and others who find the thought totally abhorrent. But, I can’t help but wondering. Is it so bad? When you chat with someone online, you tend to get the unadulterated version of them, usually. I’m not talking about the small percentage of crazies who TRULY let you meet their proxy. Online, you can be the bold one, the assured one, the sexy one, the smart one. You can be just about anybody you want. At the same time, you can be honest without many of the reprisals that come from face to face contact. BPM actually has a service where you can record a greeting of some sort. Now, that’s special. I can see a video greeting for some folks, too. Amazing!! I remember when all you had was picture to go by. That picture was always something that they took 10 years ago when they were lighter, (possibly) cuter, and more fun. The person you meet today is usually MUCH heavier, not as cute (probably due to too much partying when they were cute), and definitely not as much fun (let the jaded folks GET HELP).


Is I.D. really the wave of the future? Living in small-town America, I can see how meeting someone over the internet would be beneficial. In a place like the Ville, you tend to meet 3 or 4 people and then you’re connected to 3 or 4 hundred. After while, circles develop and dating becomes an incestuous affair with tons of problems. If you date one and it doesn’t work out, you’ve effectively eliminated about 10 other possibilities (at least). Open up your options to the net and the circle starts growing, so you’re not meeting folks who have a DIRECT connection to people you already know. You still run the risk of a little connection here and there, but there are only 6 degrees of separation, right?!?!?! What do you expect?? LOL

Enough of that. . .

What else has been on my mind??? Hmmm...

Ahh, I remember! I was supposed to write a poem called ”Pieces of Me” the other day, but I didn’t get around to it. The subject matter: giving away pieces of yourself with each (failed) relationship. Have you ever felt like you gave so much to a sista (or brotha) that the next person you met only received a mere portion of your good self? I think about the first girlfriend who received all the love and excitement. Then, we broke up. The next girlfriend got about 95%. And so on....

Anything else. . . .

Nope. Gotta go do some work! Until next time my lovelies....